The HMIS GC meeting will be on Monday, December 11, 2017 at 10:00am at the United Way in Greensboro. (1500 Yanceyville St.) For those unable to attend in person, here is the conference line: 712-775-7031 Access code: 858840#
Domino’s Pizza will be provided for lunch. Please respond to by Friday if you plan to eat pizza and any preferences you have.
The following documents are posted to review prior to the meeting:
- HMIS GC meeting minutes – 11.13.17
- Executive Committee minutes – 12.01.17
- Durham CoC notification letter
- MCAH monthly report
- MCAH workplan
- NC HMIS Profit and Loss Statement through October 2017
- Finance Committee minutes 10.30.17
The meeting agenda will be posted when it is available.